Hey! I’m glad you’re here. Take a seat. Check out testimonials of my work. Let’s look over a few of the ways we can work together.
Writing or Speaking for Your Organization
I am always down to write! You can view my portfolio for examples of past work ranging from in-depth articles on healthcare and sexuality, personal experiences, and politics.
I also enjoy public speaking and giving presentations, though will be doing so virtually for some time due to being high risk for COVID-19.
Please contact me to discuss details as rates vary.
Sponsored Posts
I may be willing to do sponsored posts for products. Please see my disclosures and policies below before contacting me. Contacting me does not guarantee we will be able to work together. Please contact me for additional information and pricing.
I only include sponsored content when I write posts myself. All opinions will still be mine. I occasionally get compensation in the form of free travel from organizations and companies. Any blog posts about such events, etc, will be marked with a disclosure.
All sponsored content will be disclosed as paid for (as is required by FTC Guidelines). This is not negotiable.
I am happy to work with organizations and companies requiring consulting services. In addition to working on sexuality, chronic illness, and disability, I hold an MS in Health Care Administration with a focus on patient advocacy and engagement. I’ve done organizational change and consulting with startups, conferences, and more. I'm also versed in various kinds of accessibility, marketing, participant recruitment, and more. Learn more about my offerings here.
Sensitivity Reading
Looking for a professional and compassionate sensitivity reading service for your written projects, including books and research? Look no further!
As an experienced sensitivity reader, I will carefully review your content to identify potential issues related to identity, history, and more. My aim is to provide constructive feedback that helps you navigate sensitive topics with cultural humility and authenticity.
Whether you're an author seeking to represent diverse characters or a researcher exploring sensitive subjects, I'm dedicated to helping you create a positive impact. Let's team up to better promote diversity and understanding through your work!
Podcasting and Voice Work
As a podcaster, I'm always looking for advertising and guests to talk about the work they do. I'm happy to have you on the show, plug your product or service, and more!
With the podcasting setup I have, I'm primed to help with additional voice work. Please contact me to discuss.
Product Reviews & Giveaways
I love being able to evaluate goods as well as to give gifts to my readers! They always appreciate it, too. Plus, it’s an awesome way for you to increase your social media following, drive more traffic to your website, and increase your exposure.
Review Policies
By sending me products to review, you are agreeing to and acknowledging the following terms:
I am not currently reviewing the following items due to accessibility, safety, and ethical issues: any toy that is not made with body-safe materials, any fragrance products (including, but not limited to, lotions, massage oils, candles, etc.), non-plus-sized clothing/wear, or any items with derogatory relations (racist, sexist, ableist, transphobic, homophobic, fat-shaming, condone consent violations, etc). If you’re not sure if your product qualifies, please feel free to contact me.
I must approve all items before they are sent to me. I reserve the right not to review anything sent to me without my approval.
If you have a deadline for the review, it must be specified before I agree to review the product.
Speaking of deadlines: I try to keep to them. That said, being a person dealing with multiple disabilities and chronic pain conditions, that doesn’t always happen. I may need to test toys and other items under a multitude of conditions to speak to accessibility, dexterity, etc, whether for my own enjoyment or to share thoughts with others. It may take longer at times, but this rigorous testing will allow me to write the best reviews possible. I will always endeavor to keep you informed of timeline changes.
For no reason will I return, pay for, or provide a refund for a product. If I do not receive the product (i.e. it’s lost in shipping), I am not responsible for any costs.
All reviews will be based on my 100% honest opinion. Sending me products for review does not guarantee a positive review. This includes any sponsored (paid) reviews. Please see sponsored materials below for more information.
Running my sites takes a lot of time and effort. I love it with all my heart, but it doesn’t really pay the bills. Affiliate commissions can. I am primarily interested in working with companies that have an affiliate program in place or whose products can be found through one of my current affiliates. Exceptions may be made. If I accept a toy to review and I am not an affiliate, the link to your store will remain up for one calendar year, after which time I am free to link that post to a current affiliate.
I will, at times, review toys that I am unable to make an affiliate commission from for a fee. Please contact me for pricing information. I reserve the right to decline these offers if I chose, and all reviews will still be written by me and will be my honest opinion.
Even if I’ve reviewed for you before, please contact me prior to sending me anything to confirm I’m able to do a review at that time. If a toy magically shows up at my door without warning it will be considered a lovely gift, and I may choose to not review it.
Paid Banner Advertising
Limited availability on my sites. For sidebar advertising, all banner ads must not be in animated/gif form or depict nudity. They also must fit the feel/design of my sites. If you do not have a banner meeting these specifications, I can create one for you for a small additional fee.
Becoming An Affiliate
Sexual Health
I want my readers to be able to purchase goods and services that I would use myself. I affiliate myself with companies/manufacturers who sell primarily body-safe sex toys and other products with body-safe ingredients.
While I may make exceptions, I prefer working with sexuality companies that, in addition to selling primarily body-safe toys, do not gender their products as well as those who provide education and awareness regarding sex and disability.
Other affiliates are also ones that I believe in and use regularly. If I do not consider a company ethical, I will not affiliate myself with them.
Other Affiliates
The same basic rules apply - if I find the company, its work, or its practices morally reprehensible - or if I don't feel as though a company is a good fit - I will not work with them.
If you feel that we may be a good fit for each other, please reach out.
Morality Clause
I reserve the right to, without warning, remove and/or disclaim reviews, posts, or banners associated with companies (with no compensation to them) whose practices or reputation (marketing or otherwise) I later find, in my opinion, to be sexist, ableist, racist, anti-LGBTQ+, fat-shaming, condone consent violations, or are otherwise oppressive or discriminatory.
My sites are meant as safe spaces for everyone and I intend to keep them that way.
Using My Content
You may share my content via a link. Alternatively, you may quote me on your site (75 words or less – not a whole post/article/review) AND provide a do-follow link back to my article with full credit. Outside of this, you may not duplicate my content or my photos without my explicit permission.
Using my Content
You may share my content via a link. Alternatively, you may quote me on your site (75 words or less – not a whole post/article/review) AND provide a do-follow link back to my article with full credit. Outside of this, you may not duplicate my content or my photos without my explicit permission.
If there are any questions, feel free to contact me with questions.
I reserve the right to update this disclosure as needed and without warning.
Thanks to the amazing Miss Ruby & Hedonish for giving me the ‘template’ for this page.